Humour #41

Joel Kim Booster

Marianne Content


Very funny act where Joel Kim Booster uses self-deprecation to convey strong messages against common stereotypes on the Asian or gay communities. I also really like the way he interacts with the audience even if the set up is not easy for this as it is only a 5 min act and filmed for TV.

And his ending! Wow, strong. We get tricked by his amazing acting skills and way to express emotions and BAM! He gets us with another laughter.

Joel Kim Booster Stand-Up — CONAN on TBS

Enjoy! And stay tuned for future videos, coming every week!

#Humour #StandUpComedy #PublicSpeaking #FailinGracefully #Goal2020

For the last few years, I have been watching stand up comedy on youtube almost everyday. I have laughed, learned and laughed again thanks to a very diverse bunch of comedians. This year, I have decided to share my top favourite acts so that even more people laugh and learn!



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