Humour #4


Marianne Content


This week I have decided to share an act from a French comedian. Not just because he used to be my sister’s neighbour but mostly because he’s been making me laugh for over three years now and especially through his weekly video: here I present to you Verino!

Verino is very good at selecting pieces of news that many people are not even aware of and showing how absurd, funny, crazy, stupid they can be. Thanks to him, I know what’s happening in the world and I even laugh about it. He is also excellent at connecting with his audience, whether live or through his videos using self-deprecation, mimicking, character-building but also live interactions as tools to make us relate to him and the story even more strongly.

Verino had the genius to create a concept where he shoots an act every week at the end of his shows, talking directly to “the Internet”, showing his back to the audience. It’s as if we were in the room with him, it’s very clever. In this video I have selected for you — amongst many other hilarious ones — he speaks about an English man jogging on the highway, Jawad and a man who murdered his wife. Nothing funny in appearance but hilarious through his point of view!

Verino is definitely one of the best current French comedians, I recommend you go and see his show in Paris — if you speak French of course :)!

Enjoy! And stay tuned for future videos, coming every week!

Verino — one of his weekly videos, 03.02.2018

#Humour #StandUpComedy #PublicSpeaking #FailinGracefully #Goal2020

For the last two years, I have been watching stand up comedy on youtube almost everyday. I have laughed, learned and laughed again thanks to a very diverse bunch of comedians. This year, I have decided to share my top favourite acts so that even more people laugh and learn!



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