Humour #21
Flo & Joan
This is a singing act and everything is funny about it: the lyrics, the way they sing, the music, theirs faces, the breaks in rythm, the changes of tone and as well, their faces. Flo and Joan must have rehearsed quite a lot to get this song to perfection. They tell us a drunk story we can mostly identify with or at least totally picture so it’s even more hilarious and the music is really getting us going. After watching it a few times, you’ll want to sing along and soon realise it’s not that easy. Because what they did hear is definitely the product of long hours of work. But try it anyway, it’s fun! “I drunk too much… la la la”.
Enjoy! And stay tuned for future videos, coming every week!
#Humour #StandUpComedy #PublicSpeaking #FailinGracefully #Goal2020
For the last two years, I have been watching stand up comedy on youtube almost everyday. I have laughed, learned and laughed again thanks to a very diverse bunch of comedians. This year, I have decided to share my top favourite acts so that even more people laugh and learn!