Humour #13
Daliso Chaponda
This one is incredible. I have watched his acts from Britain’s Got Talent 2017 — where he came 3rd of the competition by the way — at least a hundred times. Daliso Chaponda is politically engaged, talking about the differences between Africa and Europe and he does so in a hilarious way. His first act even got him the golden buzzer from one of the judges. He uses his voice, smile and eye contact very well so that you never stop watching him or listening. You are drawn into the story and he is laughing with you.
I have put a video with his 3 auditions as they all have the one moment where you are so shocked and so surprised that you cannot help but laugh. It’s very clever, it often about racism, poverty, colonialism, etc. and it is absolutely perfect in this context. Just for those 10 seconds of surprise it’s worth the watch.
Enjoy! And stay tuned for future videos, coming every week!
#Humour #StandUpComedy #PublicSpeaking #FailinGracefully #Goal2020
For the last two years, I have been watching stand up comedy on youtube almost everyday. I have laughed, learned and laughed again thanks to a very diverse bunch of comedians. This year, I have decided to share my top favourite acts so that even more people laugh and learn!